A Comparative Study on Legal Elements of Insider Trading between Taiwan and Mainland China

Autor: Lin,Hsinyu, 林欣佑
Rok vydání: 2012
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 100
In this thesis, the main elements of insider trading in Taiwan and the mainland China starting first illustration of the reasons for the formation of the insider trading, followed by description of the reasons for the prohibition of insider trading norms, and then observe the constituent elements of insider trading between the legal system and the various elements of related point of contention is explored, and finally summarize the current trends of the two provisions and its existing defects to the recommended. This thesis is divided into five chapters, the first chapter describes the scope of the study, research methods and thesis structure; Chapter II for a basic description of insider transactions; Chapter III shall investigate Elements for insider trading in Taiwan; fourth the relevant norms of the chapters in mainland China for the research center of gravity; Chapter conclusions mainly on different parts of insider trading with mainland China by the control. Insider trading norms, the literature concentrated on exploring the Elements of Taiwan and the United States legal system, rarely, from the legal system of Taiwan and the mainland China to observe the rationality of the current insider trading legal system in the two countries. This article first introduces the basis of the provisions of the Taiwan and the mainland China insider trading, and then discusses the two countries the trend observed in the insider trading legal system or the defects, while presenting the recommendations of this article. In this paper the average space allocation transactions inside Taiwan and the mainland China legal system, starting with the elements and the legal effect of the provisions of the insider trading between the two countries to introduce the related theories and practices on the elements of the definition and controversial issues, and on thison the basis of summed up the trends and shortcomings of the bilateral insider trading legal system. The one hand, to investigate insider trading between the two countries constitute the elements as well as the legal effect of ambiguity, on the one hand, part of the specification the lack of rationality, and the proposed.
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