The prognostic factor analyses of breast cancer patients, with special focus on biological factors, social economic factors, and anthropometric factors.

Autor: Che-Pin Lin, 林哲斌
Rok vydání: 2011
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 99
Objects: The prognostic factors(PF) that influence the survival of breast cancer (BCA) patients, include (1) Clinical and biological factors: staging, axillary lymph nodes(LN), estrogen receptors(ER), progestrone receptors(PR), Her-2 receptors, (2) Social economic factors: Age, education, spous, occupation, pocket-money medication, (3) Anthropometric factor: body mass index (BMI), these factors may changes their role after treatment. Methods: We included 600 BCA patients in Taipei city hospital, Ren-Ai Branch, from 2004 to 2009. The survival data and recurrence status were analysed by Cox Regression Methods. Results: In univariate survival analyses, patients with characteristics of “age more than 55”, ”low education level”, “pocket money medication”, “late stage”, “ER(-)”,“ PR(-)”, “more than 3 axilla LN appeared significantly higher hazard ration (HR) ”. Patients with above features may also prone to recur by unvariate analysis. However, by multivariate analyses after adjusting for known PF, only “more than 3 axilla LN” is associated with risk of death (HR=3.11, 95%CI=1.12~8.56). While recurrence multivariate analyses showed 4 PF: Age more than 55, ER(-), late stage, and BMI
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