A critical discourse analysis of the action researches conducted by the teachers in Taipei.

Autor: Shu-Nu Lin, 林淑女
Rok vydání: 2011
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 99
The research is so conducted as to have a better understanding of the implementation of the action researches conducted by the elementary school teachers in Taipei. Through the method based on the theory of a critical discourse analysis, problems with regard to the implementation of the action researches will be presented. In the first place, documentation regarding the action researches is explored so as to be the theoretical structure of this research. Secondly, a model based on Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis is so set as to be the analytical structure of this research. A three-layered analysis is applied in this research: analysis of the body of the work, that of the process and that of the society. So far as the collection of document is concerned, a compilation of excellent works chosen from “ A Compilation of Action Researches Conducted by the Teachers in Taipei “ ( from the 1st to the 10th term ) together with the regulations set by the Bureau of Education and those set by each school will be deliberately analyzed. And interviews among one policy maker, one scholar, ten administrators in school and sixteen teachers are made so as to be the main body of the interviewing document. Conclusions and suggestions will be made on account of the result of the analysis and that of discussion. The conclusions of this research are: A. There exists nothing but the ideology of the mainstream value in the action researches conducted by the teachers. Therefore, it is hard to present any critical and liberating intention. 1. Under the influence of globalized discourse, the teachers pay too much attention to the research in the field of Chinese, English and Mathematics – what they consider as the mainstream subjects. 2. The teachers care only about the solution of technical problems in teaching, ignoring completely social justice and falling into the crisis of cultural reproduction. 3. The research has an orientation towards Positivism which lures the teachers into the snare of self-fulfillment. B. There exists, in the process of action research, a kind of knowledge and authority relationship among the administrators, experts and teachers. 1. The administrators predominate over the action research, which influences the direction of the action research. 2. The experts predominate over the teachers. To win a prize, the teachers lose their own ideas. 3. To work in coordination with other teacher is superficial and results in a kind of hierarchical phenomena. C. The interpretation of action research loses its real meaning. The action research tends to be commercialized and the teachers labeled. 1. The interpretation and understanding of action research tends to be over-simplified. 2. The administrators and teachers prefer prize winning to specialized growth. 3. The action research is regarded as some sorts of school achievements, the teachers are consumed and labeled indirectly. D. The topic of an action research connotes some political factors which is short of public discourse. 1. The background of the implementation of the action researches conducted by the teachers in Taipei connotes some political purposes asking for teachers’ assessment. 2. The implementation of the action research is short of public discourse which causes the teachers to interpret it mistakenly and behave negatively. Suggestions based on the aforesaid conclusions include: A. To the education authority: 1. Any policy concerning education should be debated publicly and the teachers granted opportunities to speak out loudly. 2. A cooperative relationship with the teachers’ training organization and a complete training for the conducting of action research by all the members in a school should be set up. 3. To integrate the policies concerning education and to form a complete set of research model are indispensible. 4. To share the merit of action research and to build up a platform for the management and sharing of knowledge are required. 5. A thorough review and assessment of the implementation of the action research should be conducted. B. To the administrators in a school: 1. To introspect the present situation of the implementation of action research in their schools. 2. To lead their teachers to conduct, from external motives to internal motives, the action research. C. To the teachers: 1. To replenish your ability in conducting an action research especially towards a critical action research is very important. 2. The teachers’ understanding of the necessity of an action research should be strengthened and their passion for self-research be stimulated. D. Suggestions for further studies: 1. Based on the theory of critical discourse analysis, the research is, without doubt, helpful for the understanding of the problems with regard to the implementation of action research, but there is still some limitation regarding the application and transformation of methodology. 2. The theory of critical discourse analysis can also be used in other subjects related.
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