Bioactivities Characterization of Peanut Soaking Solutions and Peanut Skins

Autor: Chin-Hsiu Yu, 余錦秀
Rok vydání: 2011
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 99
Peanut kernels (Arachis hypogaea L.) after cultivation and germination are of potency in preparation of peanut sprouts as a functional vegetable. Before germination, peanuts kernels must be soaked with water. In production of peanut sprouts, abundant quantity of the soaking solutions and the sprouted peanut skins are discarded. It is of worth to recover the soaking solutions and the sprouted skins for value-added product development. In this study, determination of contents of total phenolic compounds, antioxidant and antiglycative activities of the soaking solutions after subjected to drying by various procedures, namely, lyophilization, evaporation at 50oC and lyophilization, and heating at 90oC until dryness. Recovery yields and most determinations of the residues subjected to lyophilization and evaporation at 50oC and lyophilization varied limitedly while both were higher than those determined by the residues obtained by heating at 90oC until dryness. When the aqueous solutions prepared by the residues obtained by evaporation at 50oC and lyophilization were subjected to C-18 solid phase extraction (SPE) and eluted by methanol, six separated fractions were obtained (F1-F6). The fraction 3 (F3, 40% methanol) exhibited the highest antioxidant and antiglycative activities. In addition, the dried sprouted peanut skins and raw peanut skins were repectively subjected to extractions by water, methanol, acetone and ethyl acetate. In comparison, total phenolic contents of the acetone-extracted residues from peanut skins were the highest; TEAC (Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity) of the methanol-extracted ones from raw peanut skins were the highest. Reducing power of the methanol- and ethyl acetate-extracted ones from raw peanut skins were highter than others. Linoleic acid peroxidation inhibitory activities of the water-extracted ones from raw peanut skins were the lowest. Antiglycative activities of the methanol-extracted residues from raw peanut skins (200 μg/mL) were the highest. The inhibitory activities on fructosamine formation, α-dicarbonyl compounds formation and the relative antiglycative activities of the residues were 40, 56 and 72%, respectively. As shown by SDS-PAGE analysis, the methanol- extracted residues from raw peanut skins were inhibitory to formation of the glycated BSA. The residues extracted by water, methanol, ethyl acetate and acetone from raw peanut skins at 200 μg/mL were comparatively higher than that of 3 mM aminoguanidine (331.65 μg/mL) in inhibition of formation of glycated BSA. In general, peanut soaking solutions subjected to C-18 solid phase extraction (SPE) to achieve the F3 fraction which exhibited the highest antioxidant and antiglycative activities. The fractions subjected to further purification and indentification of the active compounds is necessacy. Additionally, the peanut soaking solutions and raw peanut skins, as observed as a potent source of natural antioxidant and antiglycative inhibitors, deserve further research interests in development of functional food ingredients and dietary supplements.
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