A Study of Fatigue and Comfort on Shoulders and Muscle of Neck under the Changes of LCD Monitor Height and Angle

Autor: Chia-Feng Yang, 楊佳鳳
Rok vydání: 2009
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 97
As the emerging of electronic age and rapid development of internet, computers are being used increasingly for work nowadays. It has, however, caused some physical disorders and discomfort due to extensive working hours as well as the sedentary working style. Therefore, the ergonomic design of computer equipment is a must-do that cannot be ignored. The aim for this study was to improving the comfort of computer users physically and mentally, and so as to reaching the ultimate working efficiency. The main purpose of this study was to explore the human cervical muscle electromyography (EMG) of sternocleidomastoid muscle, splenius capitis muscle, trapezius muscle and trapezius muscle, evaluate user perceived exertion, which influenced by difference of the LCD located angle and height.The experiment of this study was contributed by ten office workers without any musculoskeletal system illness history. The LCD displayers were divided to two categories: LCD monitor type and LCD monitor arm type, and the height and angle of LCD setting has four level: 334.7mm、10°、400mm、6°、408mm、3°、453mm、0°. The result of LCD height and angle setting experiment shows the setting of 334.7mm、10° causes more neck-shoulder muscle load higher than the 400mm、6° and 453mm、0° ones, and the setting of and 453mm、0° is a better using standard. Through physical (experiment) and mental (user perceived exertion) evaluation to realize a better adjusting range of locating height and angle while using 19” LCD displayer, and the conclusion could be suggestion for LCD displayer relating product design.
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