Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Extractson Productivity, Chemical Properties and Immunomdulatory Activity of Extracellular Polysaccharopeptide from Coriolus versicolor(Yunzhi)

Autor: lin fang-yi, 林芳儀
Rok vydání: 2009
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 97
In this study, we characterized the effects of supplementary herbs extracts on mycelium cultured from the fruit body of Coriolus versicolor local strain LH1. We monitored the biomass production, extracellular polysaccharopeptide (ePSP), intracellular polysaccharopeptide (iPSP) from C. versicolor produced in the presence and absence of supplementary extracts of Salvia miltiorrhiza, Lycium barbarum and Scutellaria barbata. Metabolic profiles of with or without herbal extracts in C. versicolor LH1 obtained in 20 liter fermenters (150 rpm,25 ℃ initial pH 5) showed different in biomass production, amounts of ePSP from the culture media, and iPSP from the mycelia. The ePSP and iPSP were studied by simple sugar composition, protein content and immunomodulatory activity by their effects on the production of nitric oxide, IL-1, IL-6 and TNF- by murine RAW264.7 macrophages. The results showed that metabolic profiles of without herbal extracts in C. versicolor LH1 obtained fermentation showed different biomass production, amounts of ePSP from the culture media, and iPSP from the mycelia. The production of ePSP levels were: ePSP-Cv-SME(2.54 g/L)>ePSP-Cv-LBE (1.66 g/L) >ePSP-Cv-SBE(1.37 g/L)>ePSP-Cv (0.61g/L)and the production of iPSP were: iPSP-Cv-SME(0.49 g/L)>iPSP-Cv-LBE(0.30 g/L)>iPSP-Cv-SBE(0.29 g/L)>iPSP-Cv (0.21g/L). The chemical properties showed that the ePSP and iPSP obtained from C. versicolor LH1 with herbal extracts were highly differ from those obtained with normal cultures. In term of simple sugar composition and protein content where simple sugars included glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose, and arabinose. However, overall chemical structures analyzed by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy showed similar results, which indicated of bioactivity (1 - 3) glycosidic bonds. After treatment of RAW 264.7 cells with 62.5 g/ml PSPs for 48 h, the amounts of three cytokines were measured. It was found that all ePSPs preparations(ePSP-Cv, ePSP-Cv-SME, ePSP-Cv-LBE and ePSP-Cv-SBE) exhibit stimulatory effects on TNF- production in RAW264.7 cells. Cells treated with ePSP-Cv-LBE produced significantly higher levels of IL-1. Both ePSP-Cv-SBE and ePSP-Cv-LBE could significantly induce high levels IL-6 production in RAW264.7 cells. RAW264.7 cells were found highly sensitive to the treatment with iPSPs. Cells that were treated with 62.5 g/ml of the iPSP-Cv or iPSP-Cv-SME were found to be unviable. All of the PSPs mentioned above were subjected to the bioactivity assays including cell proliferation effects and productions of NO, TNF-, IL-1, and IL-6. The differences in immunostimulatory effects of these PSPs may due to the differences in conformation derived from simple sugar compositions, and protein contents.
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