A Study of Applying Lean Production to a Make-to-Order Flow Shop Assembly Factory Through Simulation

Autor: Yuan-Cheng Lin, 林垣成
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 96
The assembling industry belongs to the high labor intensive industry. In assembly processes, the proportion of workforce involvement is quite high. If we want to improve our manufacturing environment, we would not only improve the hardware facilities in factory shop but also need to consider the human aspects. The lean production system at the right moment can do a comprehensive improvement approach in the manufacturing system. However, the conduction of the lean production system may not be applicable to all environment and industry types. It is necessary to do prior evaluation of the benefits of comprehansive introduction of lean production system. It is rather valid to use simulation to aim at conducting lean production to a organization. This research makes use of the system simulation to construct an flow shop assembly-factory, and study the advantage of adopting the lean technology in make-to-order manufacturing environment. Experiment result suggest, under the different demand variation types, adopting cell layout will reduce the order lead time and lateness. While comparing with GT layout and function layout, when the number of product types increases, the more multiskill workforce will improve more efficiency in this system.However, improvement of the order lead time and lateness due to the “single-minute exchange of die” enforcement in cell layout environment is rather limited.Standardized work is one of the most importance lean techniques to bring about the significant improvement in cell layout lean production system.
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