Cooperative DNA binding studies of some new peptides

Autor: Kuo-Hua Huang, 黃國樺
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 96
This thesis reports a study to disclose the cooperativity between neighboring peptide binding sites in duplex DNA. Designed peptides with novel motifs such as KHypH-12, KHypS-12 display different magnitude of cooperative index (Hill coefficients) on binding to a 5’-32P-labeled 158-mer and a complementary 5’-32P-labeled 135-mer duplex. A designed duplex DNA (S-81) bearing a single peptide binding site 5’-d(AAAA)-d(TTTT)-3’ was used to probe the allosteric interaction between neighboring binding sites for different peptides. On the other hand, a selected peptide RPyH-12 displays different magnitude of cooperative index (Hill coefficients) at three incubation temperatures: 25˚C, 31˚C, and 37˚C, suggesting that temperature has a marked effect on cooperative peptide binding on DNA recognition sites.
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