Synthesis and Properties of Pentiptycene Derived Conjugated Polymer

Autor: Ka-Shu Fung, 馮嘉樹
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 96
Pentiptycene, a molecule with five benzene rings fused together through two bicyclo[2,2,2,]octane moieties, is a interesting building block in materials chemistry because of its rigid three dimensional structure as well as internal free volume. In past, pentiptycene-derived conjugated polymers are limited to poly(phenyleneethynylene) (PPE) systems because of the absence of suitable building blocks for making different polymer backbones. After years of searching, we have successfully synthesized dibromopentiptycene, which allows use to prepare a variety of pentitpycene-incoporated conjugated polymers, including poly(phenylenevinylene) (PPV), polyfluorene (PF) and all-pentiptycene PPE by using different kinds of organometallic coupling reactions. Compared to common PPVs and PFs, the pentitpycene-incoporated PEN-PPV and PEN-PF undergo blue shifts by about 50 nm in both absorption and fluorescence spectra. The all-pentiptycene PEN-PPE shows intramolecular charge transfer character, presumably due to the dialkoxy substituted phenylene rings functioning as electron donors through hyperconjugation interactions.
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