A Relay Scheme Based on Hop-by-Hop Transmission in Wireless Multi-Hop Relay Networks

Autor: Tsung-Yuan Hsu, 徐宗遠
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 96
Wireless relay networks which adopt multi-hop transmissions can provide additional attributes to benefit traditional single-hop transmission, such as coverage extension and throughput enhancement. But some overheads, such as feckless retransmission and longer transmission delay caused by multi-hop radio links, need to be addressed in the relay networks. There are some mechanisms proposed to reduce packet delay and improve throughput of multi-hop relay transmission, but these schemes causes other problems, e.g. lower throughput. This study proposes a novel relay transmission scheme to shorten the transmission delay without problems caused by the other proposed mechanisms. There are also two assistant mechanisms proposed in this study to solve system problems in the relay networks. Then the proposed scheme can make the relay networks achieve high throughput and low cost at the same time.
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