Using Decision Tree in Analysis of Housing Loan Default

Autor: CHANG-JUNG LU, 呂長融
Rok vydání: 2007
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 95
As real property in Taiwan develop very well, the need of Housing Mortgage is increasing rapidly. The structure of Credit Rating System in banks built imperfectly result of Non-performing Loans Ratio increasing. It is a Taiwan’s economic damage. In the long term, the personal factors of Housing Mortgage in Financial Institutions and the Refund source analysis of the housing loan is incomplete. The information about Housing Loan debt is not enough and that cause Default risk. Thus, this study thought these factors including in debt, in debt to take incomes ratio to build complete Predict model.The study will precede five kind of experiment by using decision tree, and input each of these factors in each kind of model. Finally, the result improve that in debt to take incomes ratio is a effective predictor in Analysis of Housing Loan Default. The accuracy of this model is 85.33% and produces some rules by decision tree model to providing clerk to reference.
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