Ching Dynasty Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School

Autor: Chou Min-hui, 周民慧
Rok vydání: 2006
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 94
This dissertation is based on the immigration from China to Taiwan during Ching Dynasty. Take the example of Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School in Bang Chiao to treat the cultivation of gratuitous School’s in Taiwan enlightenment. There are five objectives in this research: 1. To probe into the origin and development of gratuitous School. 2. To comprehend the connection between gratuitous School and the colonial societ in Taiwan. 3. To illustrate the history and change of Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School. 4. To analyze the relationship between Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School and esquire families in Bang Chiao. 5. To address the enlightenment and contribution of Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School to linguistic education at the present time. The research mainly focus on historical study, information and data are elaborated from proces-verbal, local historical literatures, local matrilineage, periodical, and dissertation dividedly. Assisting with field investigation and questionnaire to conduct the values of Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School as follow: 1.Historical: Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School began from the fight between Chang and Chuan two pedigrees. It also witness the history at that time honestly and completely. 2. Educational: gratuitous elementary School is one of the enlightenment education of Ching Dynasty, it generated the merit of primary education, on top of that, Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School is the initial of culture and education at Bang Chiao. Besides, traditional enlightenment education is equal to linguistic education. The research provides the introspection and experiences to linguistic education at modern time. 3.Religion value:Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School was an educationl and cultural establishment. It is now a venue to workship Confucius and the literature god. apparently, it has been an important high spot ---both on the educational and religional sides. 4. The art of architecture: the representative of mid and late Ching Dynasty. Combine the characters of Chang and Chuan two pedigrees. The integration of linguistic education and ancestral temple. 5.Tourism: To maintain the spot of historic and historical interest enables to attract visitors and tourists. Not only appreciate the fine art and beauty of Chinese garden, but also get a review at history of Taiwan. Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School is one of the treasure of Taiwan local culture. It disperses flames of history. Hopefully, the research can bring up the interest and awareness of Da Kuan gratuitous elementary School and gratuitous education. The researcher humbly wish that the dissertation cab bring up people’s interests in history, culture, high spot, as well as education, and to compose a real feature of Taiwan history. Key words:gratuitous School‚gratuitous School in Taiwan‚elementary education‚conflict between both countrysides of Chang and Chuan‚the traditional teaching materials of elementary education。
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