The Effects of Load and Frequency on Maximum Endurance Time and Muscle Fatigue for Elbow Intermittent Exertion

Autor: Li,Yu-Hsueh, 李玉雪
Rok vydání: 2006
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 94
This paper investigates the effects of gender, load, hand-used, and work/rest schedule on maximum endurance time (METint) of statically intermittent elbow task, the objective and subjective fatigue, and the physiological responses. The objective fatigue is assessed by the degeneration in maximum voluntary contraction (DMVC=MVCpost-MVCpre) measured pre and post the statically intermittent elbow task, the static MET (METstat) measured after the MVCpost measurement, the electromyography (EMG). The physiological responses include the change in heart rate (DHR), skin temperature (DST) on biceps, and the blood flow (measured by blood volume pulse, DBVP). Nested-factorial design is employed in both two experiments, and twelve volunteers (6 males, 6 females) are recruited. For the first experiment, the factors are gender, subject (nested within gender), load (25%, 50%, and 75% MVC), and work/rest schedule (2/2, 4/2, and 4/4 seconds). The factors in the second experiment, in which the load is set at 50% and work/rest schedule is 4/2, are gender, subject (nested within gender), and hand-used. The results indicate that male METint is longer as load at 25%MVC, and both genders are indifferent at the other two loads evaluated. Males have more MVC degeneration, shorter METstat, and higher physiological responses, but females have higher subjective perception of fatigue. In general, heavier the load, shorter the METint and higher the physiological responses. On the other hand, hand-used does not influence the most of the selected responses significantly.
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