Identification of the Host Factors that Interact with the Promoter Sequence of Bamboo Mosaic Virus for Plus-strand RNA Synthesis

Autor: Xiao-Chan He, 何曉嬋
Rok vydání: 2006
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 94
In recent years a number of host factors participating in positive-sense RNA virus replication have been discovered, providing insight into their structure and the nature of host-pathogen interactions. Hunting host factors specific for particular viruses will help us develop a good virus control system. Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) is a positive-sense RNA virus belonging to the genus Potexvirus of the family Flexiviridae. To identify host factors involved in the formation of replication complexes at the 3’-end of BaMV minus-strand RNA, we have focused on RNA-interacting proteins. We use radio-labeled Ba-77 RNA which has been proved to be an efficient promoter sequence for BaMV plus-strand RNA synthesis, to detect specific host factors present in RdRp extracts from BaMV-infected N. benthamiana leaves by UV cross-linking assay. We found two proteins that specifically interact with Ba-77 RNA. According to the molecular masses, these two proteins were termed p81 and p72 respectively. We proposed that p81 and p72 might have a crucial role in BaMV plus-strand RNA synthesis. Because p81 and p72 are the host factors present in the RdRp complex, which is a known membrane-associated protein complex, NP40 was used to solublize proteins prior to purification. According to LC-MS/MS results, p81 is molecular chaperone 90 (Hsp90) and p72 is heat shock protein cognate 70 (Hsp70).
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