Subordinate's and Superior's Personality and Paternalistic Leadership:Their Realtionships and Influences on Subordinate Efficiency

Autor: Chien-I Chang, 張倩怡
Rok vydání: 2005
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 93
Subordinate’s and Superior’s Personality and Paternalistic Leadership: Their Realtionships and Influences on Subordinate Efficiency Chien-I Chang Abstract Leadership is the process during which an individual(the leader)affects other members for fulfilling the goals of a group. The primary purpose of the present study is the investigate the influence of Chinese basic personality dimensions on three clusters of organizational variables, namely, leadership style(moral, benevolent, and authoritarian), subordinate loyalty, and subordinate efficiency. K.S. Yang’s Chinese Personality Adjective Rating Scale was used to assess the seven Chinese basic personality dimensions:(1)Competence(精明幹練) vs. Impotence (愚鈍懦弱),(2)Industriousness(勤儉恆毅) vs. Unindustriounness(懶惰放縱),(3)Other-Orintedness(誠信仁慈) vs. Self-Centeredness(狡詐殘酷), (4)Agreeableness(溫順隨和) vs.Disagreeableness(暴躁倔強),(5)Extraversion(外向活躍) vs. Introversion(內向沈靜),(6)Large-Mindedness(豪邁直爽) vs.Small-Mindedness(計較多疑), and(7)Optimism(樂觀自在) vs. Pessimism(悲觀善感).The three clusters of organizational variables were measured by scales developed by B.S. Cheng’s research team. Yang’s and Cheng’s assessment scales were administered to 102 sets or participants, and each set consisted of a superior and three of his subordinates. In each set, the superior was asked to rate his own personality, and each subordinate asked to rate his own personality, loyalty, and efficiency, and his superior’s leadership behavior.The empirical data obtained from the 102 sets of participants were statistically analyzed in terms of a numer of research hypotheses. Some of the findings were as follows: The results obtaned by various methods of statistical analysis revealed that certain basic personalty dimensions (i.e., Industriousness, Other-Orientedness, Extraversion, and Large-Mindedness) tend to have a rater low statistically significant positive correlation with moral and benevolent leadership styles.Authoritarian leadership, however, failed to statistically correlate with any of the seven personality dimensions. It seems that authoritarian leadership may not formed under the inflences of the leader’s own personality. Insteed, it may well be manifested as a reflection of the traditional Chinese authoritarian culture still somewhat prevailing in contemproary Chinese societies,especially in public and private institutions or organizations. All of the subordinate’s seven personality dimensions tended to significantly and positively correlate with hes on all the loyalty variables. It may thus be said that a subordinate’s basic personality is able to exert influence on his loyalty behavior, rather than the other way around.In contrast, only two(i.e., Industriousness and Other-Orientedness) of the superior’s seven personality dimensions had sighificant and positive correlations with his sibordinates’ ratings on all the loyalty variables. Most of the subordinate’s seven personality dimensions were found to significantly and positively correlate with his work performance and jo satisfaction, but not as with the other efficiency variables. On the other hand, three(i.e., Industriousness, Other-Orientedness, and Optimism) of the superior’s seven personality dimensions significantly and positively correlated with the subordinate’s ratings on almost all the efficiency variables. Moreover, all of the superior’s personality dimensions tended to positively correlate with two(i.e., interpersonal harmony, and company resource protection) of the efficiency variables. The superior’s moral and benevolent leadership was found to substantially and positively correlate with the subordinate’s ratings on all the five loyalty variables, whereas authoritarian leadership had no notable correlations with the subordinate’s ratings on the loyalty variables. Moral leadership and benevolent had substantial positive correlations with job satisfaction, whereas authoritarian leadership only had a low negative correlation with it. The three leadership styles had nonsignificant or only negligible correlations the all the other efficiency variables.
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