Study on Surface Free Energy of Vertically Aligned LC Cells

Autor: Chia-Leng Yang, 楊家榮
Rok vydání: 2004
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 92
In this report, we study the surface free energy of the vertically aligned LC cells. Using the different materials of alignment layer and process to produce the LC cells with vertical aligned. Generally, the common used model of surface free energy is Ranipi-Papoular form. Most simulation tools used the R-P approximation. We could find the experiments and the results of simulation were not match. We discuss the appropriation of R-P model and use the modified R-P model to simulate. By this way, we can find the modified parameters and find the values of the modified parameters would change with different material and process. Besides, we have some experimental results about the thermal stability. The pretilt angle would increase with annealing temperature increasing. However the polar anchoring energy would not change with temperature.
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