The study of adolescence occupational circumscription: according to Gottfredson''s theory

Autor: Jun-Liang Li, 李俊良
Rok vydání: 1999
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 87
The study of adolescence occupational circumscription : According to Gottfredson’s theory Chung-Leung Lee Abstract The study was to examine the factors that affect adolescence occupational circumscription, and their occupational circumscription developmental process. The study adopted qualitative research method. Nineteen subjects were interviewed, 7 junior high school students, 12 senior high school students. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. Factors affect occupational circumscription The factors to affect occupational circumscription are social class, others’ effect, social prestige, reality, interests, values, and ability. Social class affected the tolerable-effort boundary of occupational circumscrip- tion; elementary school students were more easily affected by others’ effect; the adolescence looked for occupations which were of middle or high prestige; after going high school reality began to affect occupational circumscription ; values, ability, and interests were unsettled in adolescent stage; after going senior high school occupational ability began to affect occupational circumscription. 2. Occupational circumscription developmental process (1).Junior high school The occupational preference development of junior high school was internal, unique orientation. As choosing occupation, junior high school students usually concerned about interests, school ability, and value. The characteristic of junior high school was academic-center. It meant students spend much energy and time on studying. (2).Senior high school Senior high school students were aware of their internal unique self more easily. Some senior high school students had been aware of their occupational ability. The stage was more fulfilled. Students collected information automatically, and explored more often. Senior high school students thought about whether they could integrate different occupational perceptions into their unique, special self-image. Implication of these results were discussed and suggestions for future research were also given.
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