GnRH cDNA cloning and its expression in ovary of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus.

Autor: KUO, MING-WEI, 郭明偉
Rok vydání: 1998
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 86
In this study, the partial cDNA encoding for the sGnRH precursor,cGnRH-II precursor and sbGnRH precursor were isolated from tilapia brain using RT-PCR and 5''-RACE. The partial 145 bp cDNA encoding sGnRH precursor is composed of the biologically active sGnRH, the cleavage site (Gly-Lys-Arg), and a partial GnRH- associated peptide (GAP). The partial 366 bp cDNA encoding cGnRH-IIprecursor is composed of 116 bp 5''-untranslation region (5''-UTR), the signal peptide, the biologically active cGnRH-II, the cleavage site, and a partial GAP. The partial 216 bp cDNA encoding sbGnRH precursor is composed of 69 bp 5''-UTR, the signal peptide, the biologically active sbGnRH, the cleavage site,and a partial GAP. In order to investigate the expression of three forms of GnRH in tilapia ovary, total RNA from ovary of female tilapia at different ovary stages was amplified by RT-PCR. The predicted sizes of RT-PCR products were amplified in ovary. These results demonstrate that three forms of GnRH precursor (sGnRH,cGnRH -II and sbGnRH) mRNA are expressed in tilapia ovary tissue and that high level of cGnRH-II transcript and low level sGnRH and sbGnRH transcript are expressed in tilapia ovary.
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