Fast Image Encryption Technique for H.261 Video System

Autor: Chen, Jyi-Tyan, 陳吉田
Rok vydání: 1996
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 85
H.261乃國際電話電報諮詢委員會(CCITT)於1990年所制定的國際標準, 主要目的在因應雙向視訊傳輸服務之需求趨勢,提供頻寬P64k bit/s ( P=1,2..., 30)之影像編/解碼技術規範,而在目前的影像電話(Video Phone)、視訊會議(Video Conferencing)等系統之開發上,廣獲產業 界的支持與採用。然而,值得注意的是:於H.261規範中,並無任何通訊 保密的措施!此一疏漏,將導致用戶間的通訊過程,在遭受有心人士非法 入侵、竊取時,無所防範。該問題,在大眾通信網路日益發達、資訊安全 日益受重視的今日,將更形重要。 在本論文中,我們將發展H.261的影像快速加密技術,以解決上述問題。 在加密過程中,將採用兩支密匙(key),以移位暫存器(Shift Regis) 或混沌時序(Chaotic Time Sequence)方式產生兩組人造雜訊(Pseudo Noise), 分兩層在H.261系統之外,對原始影像進行加密。在第一層中,我們將提 出「行列搬移」、「區塊搬移」兩種新式影像加密法則,由其快速將像素 (Pixel)座標予以亂數化重排,所得之出步加密影像,再經第二層,與 虛擬影像等比率混合, 進一步提昇其保密性。此種加密方式的特色有三:第一,若與展頻通訊之 Direct Sequcnce、改變影像頻譜之相角成? 最後,本論文中亦將以SUN工作站為平台,發展一個H.261的模擬系統。其 中,除了探討位元分配(Bit Allocation)與 量化表(Quantization Table)選擇等問題外,也以實際影像序列進行加 密模擬,其結果顯示,若非經由正確密匙解密,影像畫面將因無法直接判 讀,而不具意義!此不僅驗證我們所提出的H.261影像保密器理論無誤外 ,亦指出其可行性非常大。 H.261 video codec for Audiovisual Service at p*64 kbit/s ( p=1,2,...,30 ) was completed and approved in December 1990 by CCITT ( International Consulative Committee for Telephone and Telegraph ). The intended applications are for videophone and videoconferencing. However, the corresponding protocol can be found to be insecure. There provide no any techniques to prevent sensitive visual information from unauthorized access during the transmission process. In this thesis, a fast image encryption technique will be developed to solve the security problem mentioned above. The proposed cryptographer is composed of two layers. In the first layer,the row-column moving and block moving image encryption algorithms are introduced. Based on these two algorithms, the image can be encrypted via simple look-up table. The resultant is fed into the second layer and further encrypted by mixing with a reference image. This image cryptographer exhibits the following features: This may confirm our theory and indicates that the proposed ciphergrapher is a good remedy for the security problem of H.261 systems.
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