Synthetic Study Using Camphor-Based Chiral Auxiliaries

Autor: Hui-Chun Lee, 李惠君
Rok vydání: 1993
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 81
1a. We wish to report such a model and to record the remarkable effect that the dipolar forces developed in the aldol bond construction process has on controlling the aldol enantiofacial selection. 1b. Directaldolizations of chlorotitanium enolate derived from camphor-based N-acetyl oxazolidinethione with 1:1 TiCl4-aldehyde complex give aldol adducts excellent diastereoselectivity. 2. Directaldolizations of boron enolate derived from camphor-based N-propionyl oxazolidinione with 1:2 TiCl4- aldehyde complex give aldol adducts high diastereoselectivity.
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