Anti-oesophageal cancer activity in extracts of deep-water Marion Island sponges

Autor: Davies-Coleman, M.T., Froneman, P.W., Keyzers, R.A., Whibley, C., Hendricks, D., Samaal, T., McQuaid, C.D.
Rok vydání: 2005
Druh dokumentu: Článek
Popis: Oesophageal cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths in South African black males. The limited efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents to treat this disease has prompted a search for potential new chemical entities with anticancer properties. We report here on the evidence for anti-oesophageal cancer activity in the methanolic extracts of five species of sponges dredged from a depth of approximately 100 m in the vicinity of Marion Island in the Southern Ocean during the autumn of 2004.
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