A Rosgen Level III Analysis of Two Stream Restoration Projects Near Youngstown, Ohio

Autor: Poudel, Rajesh Kumar
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: In this study, the effectiveness of stream restoration projects in reducing stream bank erosion and improving stability was evaluated. Two previously restored streams were studied - an unnamed tributary (UNT) to Meander Creek within Austintown Township Park, Mahoning County, Ohio; and an unnamed tributary (known locally as Indian Run) to Pine Hollow Run (a tributary to the Shenango River), in Hermitage, Pennsylvania. The Rosgen Stream Classification method was applied for the assessment purpose. Field surveys were done during summer 2008 and 2009. Level II analyses and calculations for several morphological parameters were performed by Mr. Santosh Pant as part of a related project. The Rosgen classification showed both of the restored reaches to be “B4c” type streams (Pant 2010).Assessment of the stream condition and departure from its potential following restoration was performed by quantifying the existing physical character of the stream channel using Rosgen's Level III assessment. By visual observations at both sites, most of the categories in the channel stability (Pfankuch) evaluation table were found to be in good condition. The Pfankuch stability rating procedure gave total scores of 75 for the Austintown Park site and 82 for the Indian Run site. Evaluating these scores with stream type in the conversion table, the channel stability condition for both sites is classified as Fair. Comparing past photographs to present field conditions, restoration definitely reduced bank slope, minimized bank cutting, reduced deposition of bars and stabilized channel bed material at both sites. However, constraints resulting from man made features(such as bridges, roads, and culverts) prevent the streams from reaching their full potential.
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