Mechanical Joining Methods in Aluminum Sheets

Autor: Neupane, Manish
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: There is a surge in the use of aluminium in manufacturing industries. This hascaused the need of study of different aluminium joints for assembling the biggerstructures. Most commonly used joining methods are resistance spot welding (RSW),friction stir welding (FSR), and self-piercing riveting. However, each joining processhas their own limitation. RSW is relatively hard to form in aluminum due to theformation of aluminum oxide layer during the welding process. Also, the window ofoperation is extremely short due to conductive nature of aluminum so special skillsoperator are required. FSR welding requires proper fit-up and a high clamping forceto clamp the workpiece against the axial force generated during this welding. Self-piercing riveting requires a die to form the joint interlocking. Different die designs arerequired to obtain the desired strength of the joint which makes this process difficult.Because of these limitations, different aluminum joining methods are in existence foreach industry accordingly to their own unique design constraints.Hence, in this research, detailed study of existing joining methods, along with theirlimitations is carried out. And finally, two new joining techniques; connectors withprotrusions, and threaded screw, are proposed. These joint forming techniques aresimple and do not require complex tools and fixtures. The connectors with protrusionjoint consists of many tiny protrusions arranged in an array on the connector plate.In this experiment, a rectangular connector and pointed tip protrusion is used. Thearrangement of connectors and protrusions are then pressed into aluminum to formthe joint. The shape of the connectors can be altered as per the need. This typeof joint are easy to form, no die is required, surface impurities will not affect thestrength of the joint, fit-up will not be any issue, and also can be used in angularalignment by just changing the connector plates design. The experimental researchwith the simulation was carried out for this joint. The simulation shows that thedeformed aluminum can be pushed back into the trunk of protrusions forming a densestructure. Tensile-shear test is conducted experimentally and average load carried byeach protrusion was found to be 534 N. This value shows that the protrusion wasunder combined tensile and shear loading. This was then verified by metallographicexamination of the fractured surface. The test also shows that the fracture wasinitiated under shear loading and final rupture was under tensile loading. For thesecond method, threaded screw joint, two-sided screw joint is used for aluminiumjoining. The orientation of threads on the screw are opposite in nature. Oppositeorientation of thread produces the turning effect which ease the piercing of metal.This joint forming process is easier compared to other joining methods and is mainlyapplicable for thick aluminum sheet joining. In the threaded screw joint, analyticalstudy was done to calculate total torque produced and the factors that affect thetorque. The torque depends on three factors: radius of thread, angle of revolutionand slope of thread surface. The finding of this research shows that protrusions withconnectors and threaded screw have potential implementation in the aluminum sheetmetal industry, commercial vehicle, and appliance manufacturing.
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