The Development of Best Practice Recommendations for Teaching Health Education Skills in High School

Autor: Whewell, Aubrey
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of school health education experts to determine the NHES skills that best support the healthy behavior outcomes in specific health content areas so that school health teachers will have guidance on which skills to teach in specific content areas. The specific aim of this investigation involved determining what skills/skill priorities, based on expert opinion, are most likely to impact healthy behavior outcomes for each school health education content area. An expert elicitation design was utilized with School Health Education panel members and content experts including representatives from the original and updated National Health Education Standards as well as individuals representing the HECAT content area and HECAT general contributors. A total of 39 completed surveys were returned. Overall, the majority of respondents were white (93%), females (83%), with more than 25 years of experience in the school health education field (37%). Additional characteristics included being licensed in health education (27%), Registered/Licensed Dietitian (20%) and Certified Health Education Specialists (17%). A majority of respondents (63%) indicated they hold a Doctorate degree with 33% having a Master’s degree. The All Content Area respondents are primarily female (80%), white (93%), and indicated having more than 25 years of experience in the field of health education (60%). More than half of the All Content Area respondents (53%) indicated having a Doctorate degree and 40% reported having a health education teaching license. Of the All Content Areas respondents, 73% percent identified their experience in the field as curriculum development, HECAT reviewer/contributor, K-12 health education, and 67% identified their experience as NHES developer/contributor. Of the specific content area respondents, the majority were white (93%), females (87%) with 21-25 years (40%) of experience in the field. Seventy-three percent of the specific content area respondents reported having a doctorate degree, 53% identifying their experience/role in the field as curriculum development and almost half (47%) identified their experience/role in the field as a HECAT reviewer/contributor. The respondents identified, for each health education content area, the skills/skill priorities they believed to most likely impact health behavior outcomes in the 9th – 12th grades. The selected skills/skill priorities are based on the All Content Area expert feedback only for all content areas excluding the Healthy Eating and Sexual health content areas. For the Healthy Eating and Sexual Health content areas the selected skills/skill priorities are based on the feedback from the All Content Area experts and then supplemented with the content specific expert feedback as the other content areas received too few responses
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations