Using Coverboards to Assess Ambystomatid Salamander Populations in Mitigation Wetlands at the Fernald Preserve

Autor: Bien, Stephanie M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: Over 80 acres of wetlands have been constructed at the Fernald Preserve in Hamilton, Ohio to mitigate the loss of wetlands during restoration activities. Two sites with distinctively different mitigation wetlands were chosen to evaluate Ambystomatid salamander populations using two types of coverboards (aluminum and native wood). A total of 33 coverboard plots using a single metal board and four wood boards were placed parallel to one another along the wetland edge and extended into the upland habitat in a distinct uniform grid pattern at the two wetlands. Observations were conducted weekly during salamander breeding seasons over a two year period. A total of four Ambystoma species were observed during the study. We found Ambystomatids using coverboards at each site. Ambystomatids observed occupied the wood coverboard’s more often than metal and were found inhabiting the boards closest to the wetlands 80% of the time. Differences between coverboard types were significant and Ambystomatid presence confirms that pond-breeding salamanders are in fact using restored wetlands at the Fernald Preserve. While coverboards are used by pond-breeding salamanders, they alone did not provide sufficient data needed to assess population size or determine if mitigation for wildlife habitat was successful. The application of multiple sampling techniques to monitor pond-breeding salamanders should be used to fully assess population abundance.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations