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Genomes encode many signals at multiple levels. They must therefore manifestinhomogeneity in their nucleotide composition. Inhomogeneity is identifiable from theshortrangewhere neighboring nucleotides influence the choice of base at a site, to thelongrange,commonly known as isochores, where a particular base composition can spanmillions of nucleotides. This work explores the mostly overlooked phenomenon ofgenomic midrangeinhomogeneity (MRI). MRI is defined as an interdependence betweennucleotide choice and base composition over a distance of 301000base pairs. Through theinvestigation of thousands of human genes, the results presented herein establish theexistence of MRI throughout mammalian genomes, establish a link with strong localsecondary structures and characterize the properties of MRI. A public computationalresource has been created to support further study of genomic MRI. |