Production of a Viable Product in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using MgB2

Autor: Kara, Danielle Christine
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: In light of uncertainties regarding future helium supply and pricing, the push to eliminate helium dependence in medical imaging has guided research and development of MgB2 superconducting magnets. In the competitive medical imaging market, ability to build an MgB2 MRI does not imply a successful product. The design of a viable product using MgB2 for use in MRI must maximize the product’s value while minimizing the product’s price. Four MRI design options utilizing MgB2 are considered: 1) 1.5T full-body, 2) 1.5T head/extremity, 3) 0.5T head/extremity, and 4) 0.5T head/extremity with an inhomogeneous main field. Each new option represents a sacrifice in value to the customer in terms of bore diameter (2), main field strength (3), and main field homogeneity (4). Of the options, the 1.5T head/extremity MRI offers the greatest price reduction with the smallest value sacrifice, and therefore has the greatest potential for viability in the medical imaging market.
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