Exploring the Relationship Between the TeacherInsight Score and the Teacher Growth Index

Autor: Fry, Thomas, Jr.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: In an attempt to ensure the hiring of the most effective teachers from the candidate pool, many school districts rely on teacher selection instruments such as the TeacherInsight™ (TI) from The Gallup Organization. Teacher-level value-added data are also now available to measure the effectiveness of teachers. The purpose of this research study was to determine how well teacher-screening instruments predict the highest quality teachers from the candidate pool. The study used a sample of teachers for whom TI scores as well as a value-added measure, the teacher growth index (TGI), had been recorded. The analyses found a very weak positive relationship between the TI score and TGI score for English/reading teachers. There was no relationship between the TI score and TGI score for mathematics teachers. Until there is additional research into the effectiveness of the TI score to predict effective TGI scores, school systems will need to be cautious with using only the TI score to screen applicants.
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