Investigating the Mechanical Behavior of Conventionally Processed High Strength Aluminum Alloy 2024

Autor: Patel, Rishikumar M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: In this thesis document, the results and interpretations of an experimental study aimed at investigating and rationalizing the mechanical behavior of a conventionally processed high strength aluminum alloy is presented and discussed. The aluminum alloy chosen for this study was the high strength Al-Cu-Mg alloy, designated as 2024 by the Aluminum Association of America (Washington, D.C., USA). In this study, a few mechanical tests, to include: tension, compression, hardness, shear and cyclic stress-controlled fatigue, were conducted in synergism with microstructural characterization and macroscopic observation and record of the nature of fracture with the objective of establishing the role of alloy microstructure in governing the macroscopic mechanical response and fracture behavior of the chosen aluminum alloy. The mechanical tests were conducted in accordance with procedures detailed in the standards of ASTM. The test specimens for each test were precision machined from the as provided wrought alloy stock. For the cyclic fatigue tests, the presence of a notch, conforming to specifications detailed in ASTM Standard, on cyclic fatigue life is presented. The test results are presented and briefly discussed with specific reference to nature of loading and microstructural influences.
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