A computer imaging method for fluid motion studies in metal casting

Autor: Poland, John H.
Rok vydání: 1993
Druh dokumentu: Thesis/Dissertation
Popis: Significant reductions in the number of defects in parts produced by investment casting can be obtained by improving the flow of the molten metal during pouring. Studies have been done at Oregon State University with simulated casting techniques to determine optimal mold configurations. Better mold layouts have been shown to improve this flow. The purpose of this project was to develop a computer imaging system that would aid in reliably evaluating these experiments. The completed system consisted of a computer, a frame grabber, video equipment and operating software. Videotapes made of the fluid flow in the mold during the pouring process were replayed into the computer and evaluated. Custom software reduced the collected data to a representative evaluation number. Results show that the computer evaluations are reliable and reproducible, but applications are limited because of the cost, speed and power of available computer systems.
Graduation date: 1994
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations