Internal LTE/WWAN Handset Antenna Integrated with USB Connector

Autor: Chang, Yu-wei
Rok vydání: 2011
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: An internal eight-band LTE/WWAN handset antenna integrated with a USB connector is presented. The proposed antenna comprises an antenna ground which faces a protruded ground extended from the main ground of the handset to accommodate a USB connector. The antenna ground is used as a shorting portion to short-circuit the antenna to ground such that the coupling between the antenna ground and the protruded ground is effectively suppressed. In this case, the proposed antenna can be integrated with a USB connector mounted on the protruded ground, leading to compact integration of the antenna inside the handset. Good radiation characteristics of the antenna are also obtained, and the proposed antenna occupies 60 ¡Ñ 12 ¡Ñ 4.8 mm3 (about 3.4 cm3) only. Effects of the user¡¦s head and hand on the proposed antenna are studied, and the simulated SAR and HAC results are also analyzed in this thesis.
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