A Study of Organizational Politics in Managers and its Impact on Knowledge Sharing

Autor: Chang, Jean-hao
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2006
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: By using multiple regression analyses from 365 managers distributed four kind of industries in Taiwan, the study tested total of 9 hypotheses that respectively partially proposed to explore relationships of perception of organizational politics related to knowledge sharing. Four theoretical perspectives embedded in the literature review to strengthen the theme¡Xorganizational politics. The four main findings of the study included: (1) Perceptions of organizational politics simultaneously negatively effected to trust, organizational restructuring satisfaction and knowledge sharing. (2) Trust not only did positively effect to organizational restructuring satisfaction and knowledge sharing, it also fully mediated effect between perception of organizational politics and knowledge sharing. (3) Organizational restructuring satisfaction positively effected to knowledge sharing; besides, it not only did partially mediate effect between perceptions of organizational politics and knowledge sharing, but also did fully mediate effect between perceptions of organizational politics and trust. (4) Concreted confirmatory model examined Goodness Fit perfectly. Implications of the results to those of organization, manager and future research were discussed.
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