Computation and Simulation of the Effect of Microstructures on Material Properties

Autor: Carter, W. Craig
Rok vydání: 2002
Druh dokumentu: Článek
Popis: Methods for and computed results of including the physics and spatial attributes of microstructures are presented for a number of materials applications in devices. The research in our group includes applications of computation of macroscopic response of material microstructures, the development of methods for calculating microstructural evolution, and the morphological stability of structures. In this review, research highlights are presented for particular methods for computing the response in: 1) ferroelectric materials for actuator devices; 2) coarse-graining of atomistic data for simulations of microstructural evolution during processing; 3) periodic and non-periodic photonic composites; and 4) re-chargeable battery microstructures.
Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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