Žolinių pašarų maistingumo tyrimai LVA praktinio mokymo ir bandymų centre

Autor: Beniušis, Tadas
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2007
Druh dokumentu: Master's Thesis
Popis: Nutritious and quality feed as well as balanced feeding has the greatest effect on the productivity and health of cattle. According to American scientists, 50- 57% of animal productivity depends on feed and improvement of feeding. Thus trying to avoid the loss of nutrients, different technologies like ensilage (sugar- beet bagasse’, maize’, feed cabbages’, etc.) and withering (clovers’, lucernes’, cultivated plants’, etc.) were invoked. The Practical part of the work (carried forward in LVA Practical Training and Research Centre) confirmed facts stated in Theoretical part. The alterations of nutrition were sampled out of the silage made of perennials (Uzliedziai); also out of withered oat and pease mixture (Muniskiai); corn/ maize (Giraite and Muniskiai), and heylage, made out of cultivated plants (Giraite). With the help of researches it was diagnosed that Muniskiai and Uzliedziai silage mix’s nutritive value had not changed a lot. To both lots of mixtures were characteristic the loss of green proteins accordingly 210.1 g/kg- 4.7 g/kg, sugar ~1.65 g/kg, carotene 8.5 g/kg. The amount of lactic acid was notably decreased in both in Muniskiai and Giraite mixes, meanwhile the amount of acetic and butyric acid increased. Corn in Giraite were cut in the end of September, while other lot in Muniskiai was cut in October. This fact influenced a better nutritive value of Muniskiai corn silage. After six months period the greatest change was noticed in reduction of the following... [to full text]
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