Next-generation distillers dried grain as a potential dietary ingredient in dog and cat diets

Autor: Smith, Spencer C.
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: Diplomová práce
Popis: Master of Science
Department of Grain Science and Industry
C.G. Aldrich
Novel ingredients have been a source of innovation and growth in the pet food market. Further, with rising trends in the humanization of pet food, there has been increased competition between the human food systems and pet food industry for high quality ingredients. Next-generation distillers dried grains (NG-DDG) are a sustainable alternative protein source that show a strong potential for use in companion animal diets. The objectives of this work were to determine the effect of NG-DDG on the extrusion of dry kibbles, the utilization of diets by dogs, the palatability of diets by dogs and cats, and to evaluate the amino acid profile and protein quality through a chick growth assay. Corn gluten meal (CGM) and soybean meal (SBM) were used as standards for comparison. Diets were extruded over 3 days in a complete block design. During extrusion, the NG-DDG kibbles had less radial expansion (P
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