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This thesis presents the crystal structures of 2', 5', cyclic and modified nucleosides / nucleotides. Chapter I gives a brief account of the structural studies on 2', 5' and modified nucleotides. It also presents a short, summary of unusual nucleic acids structures studies on hydration patterns and metal ion interactions Nomenclature and conventions used for describing the conformatioNa1 features are presented. FiNa1ly, the crystallographic suite of programs used for processing the intensity data, structure solution, refinement and generating various diagrams are mentioned. Chapter II describes the crystal structures of anhydrous and hydrated sodium salt of N6-methyl adenosine-S'-monophosphate. N6-AMP-A (anhydrous form) belongs to the trigoNa1 space group P3221 with unit cell dimensions a = b = 10.30 A and c= 25.03 A while N6-AMP-H (hydrated form) belongs to orthorhombic space group C222X with a= 6.910 A, b= 19.318 A, and c= 41.070 A. CuKα intensity data consisting of 1740 and 2740 observed reflections were collected on a CAD4 diffractometer. Both structures were solved using SHELXS97 and refined to R factors of 0.0336 and 0 0381 for anhydrous and hydrated forms respectively. In both structures the adenine bases are in the ant% conformation with respect to the ribose but their torsion angles XCN differ significantly by 78° The ribose moiety shows CS-endo puckering and the conformation about the C4/-C5/ bond is g+ and t in the anhydrous and hydrated structures respectively. The two Na+ ions, present m the hydrated form, coordinate with water oxygen atoms only. A notable feature of the Na+ ion coordination in the anhydrous form is the participation of N3 and N7 of the base besides macrochelation between base-ribose and base-phosphate moieties. Adenine bases in both forms stack at a separation of about 3.4 A between them N6-AMP molecules pack as if one set of bases intercalate between the other set in the hydrated structure while they form helix like pattern m the anhydrous structure Molecular dynamics calculations were carried out for both structures with a view to obtain greater insight into the effect of hydration on the conformation of the molecule. Stereochemically permissible models for poly-A using the N6-AMP-H coordinates were generated using the method developed by Srinivasan and Olson. Its features and possible biological relevance are discussed. Chapter III deals with the structure of sodium adenosine-5'-monosulfate trihydrate (5'-AMS). Intensity data for this modified nucleotide were collected at the Brookhaven NatioNa1 Laboratory, Synchrotron facility, USA. 5'-AMS belonged to the orthorhom bic space group P2!2!2i with unit cell parameters a= 20.698 A, b= 24.621 A and c= 25.925 A and eight molecules, eight Na+ ions and 23 water molecules in the asymmetric unit of the lattice. Never before a nucleotide structure having eight molecules in the asymmetric unit has been reported. Out of 84177 reflections collected using a radiation of A =0.92 A, 9108 independent reflections having Io>2a(Io) were considered observed. The structure was solved using the program Shake and Bake (SnB) and refined by, SHELXL97. The fiNa1 R factor for 1971 parameters was 0.0397. Adenine bases of all the eight 5'-AMS molecules are in anti conformation with respect to the ribose moiety with XCN angles varying from -150 to -177°. But the conformations of the ribose moieties and the sulfate groups about the C4/-C5/ bond are not the same for all the molecules. 5'-AMS molecules A, B and D show C2-exo-C3-endo mixed puckering while C has C£-exo puckering. The remaining four molecules E, F, G and H have C3-endo conformation. The conformation about the C4/-C5/ bond for molecules A, B, C and D is g~ while for E, F and G it is g+. Molecule H shows both g+ and g~ since the 05' atom is disordered. An important feature of the metal ion coordination is the bidentate formation by sodium ions Na3 and Na7 with the sulfate group of molecule C and ribose hydroxyl oxygen atoms of molecule D respectively. Another feature which deserves mention is the participation of Nl and N7 of the adenine base m metal coordination Adenine bases of molecules A, B, C and D form self pairs with those of H, G, F and E respectively through N6...N7 and N6...N1 hydrogen bonds. The 5'-AMS molecules pack as duplexes in the unit cell. A Stereochemically permissible model for poly-A with sugar sulfate backbone using the 5'-AMS coordinates were generated using the method developed by Srinivasan and Olson and its features are discussed. Crystal structures of two polymorphs of mixed sodium and potassium salts of cytidine-5'-monophosphate hexahydrate are discussed in Chapter IV. The two polymorphs of 5'-CMP were grown using methanol and DMF respectively m the crystallization experiments. MoKα intensity data for CMP-I were collected on a Rigaku AFC image plate system while that for CMP-II were collected on a Bruker CCD Smart system. Both belong to the monoclinic space group P2X with a= 8.869 A, b= 20 580 A, c= 23.179 A, β= 105.79° and a= 8.929 A, b= 22.257 A and c= 20.545 A, β= 90.02° for CMP-I and II respectively. The the unit cell volume of the two polymorphs differ by just 12 A3 as the unit cell parameters are same, although the b and c axes are interchanged m CMP-II and their β value differs by 16°. Both polymorphs of CMP have four nucleotide molecules in the asymmetric unit of their orthorhombic lattices. But the number of metal ions and solvents are not the same in the two structures. CMP-I has five sodium ions, three potassium ions, 23 water and two methanol molecules while CMP-II has two sodium ions, four potassium ions, 22 water and an unknown solvent molecule (assigned as dimethyl ether) in the asymmetric unit. This is the first nucleotide structure having two different alkali metal ions (Na+ and K4") in the crystal structure. Out of 36946 and 31293 reflections collected 12247 and 15476 independent reflections having IO>22a(lo) were considered observed. The structure was solved and refined to an R factor of 0.0385 for 186 parameters using SHELXL97. The cytosine base is in the anti conformation with respect to the ribose with XCN = -141.1° similar to that in the hydrated structure. But it differs significantly from the syn conformation observed in several 2'-purine and 2'-5' dinucleotide structures containing purine-pyrimidine sequences. The ribose moiety shows Ctf-endo and the conformation about the C4/-C5/ bond is t with (f)α = 169.3° and 2a(lo) were accepted as observed. The structure was solved and refined by full matrix least square methods to an R factor of 0.0324 for 609 parameters. Uracil bases of both nucleotide molecules are in the anti conformation with respect to the ribose with XCN= -129.4° and -132 7°. Uracil bases of both nucleotide molecules are protonated at N3 Both ribose moieties show C2’-endo puckering with C2' atom displaced by 0.57 and 0.59 A from the best plane constituted by the remaining atoms The phosphate group is in a staggered orientation and the conformation about the C4/-C5/ bond is g* with 00 = -67.1 and -62.7 and Øoc = 54.6 and 59.5 for molecules A and B respectively. Potassium ion K2 forms a bidentate by coordinating with ribose 02' and 03' atoms of molecule B and a macrochelate between the uracil base and ribose of molecule A by coordinating with 02 and 02' atoms. K4 also forms a bidentate by coordinating with ribose O2' and 03' atoms of molecule A. The two 5'-UMP molecules form a dimer by coordinating with K2 and K3 ions. They are related by a pseudo two-fold axis and the r.m.s. deviation between the coordinates is 0 12 A. Crystal structures of 8-Benzylamino cychc-3'-5'-monophosphate (8-Benz-cAMP) and 8-mercaptoguanosine (8-MERG) are presented in Chapter VI. 8-Benz-cAMP crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2x with unit cell dimensions a= 7.989 A, b= 12 589 A, c= 11.773 A and β= 93.82°. MoKα data were collected on a CCD system yielded 4331 independent observed reflection with Io2cr(Io) out of 9733 reflections collected. The structure was solved and refined to a R factor of 0 0451 with 367 parameters. The adenine base is in the syn conformation with XCN= 84.7° as in few other 8-substituted cyclic purine nucleotides but different from the simple cyclic purine nucleotides. The phenyl moiety is in the trans conformation with respect to the base. The ribose moiety shows rare C4’-exo puckering with a deviation of 0.70 A from the best plane constituted by the remaining four atoms. The 05' atom is m the t conformation with respect to the ribose with cpα = -174.8° and 2 |