Determina??o de par?metros hematol?gicos e bioqu?micos de arara Canind? (Ara ararauna), no Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Autor: Bahiense, Carla Rodrigues
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de JaneiroUFRRJ.
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
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Belonging to the Order Psittaciformes, Family Psittacidae, the Ara ararauna, like other parrots, is a Brazilian bird much exploited in the pet market, which makes it a frequent veterinary patient. Despite of the extreme clinical relevance of laboratory examinations, data on hematology and serum biochemistry of this species are scarce. Several factors can interfere with the birds results of hematological and biochemical values, such as age, sex, reproductive period, among others. The study aimed to recognize patterns and to determine haematological and serum biochemical parameters for the species in question, explaining possible variations related to sex, management and method of restraint. In the experiment was used 68 specimens, 33 from a commercial breeding facility and 35 from the live collection of the RIOZOO Foundation. The blood samples were collected by jugular vein, transferred into tubes containing EDTA and other with no anticoagulant. Only the birds of RIOZOO were subjected to a new collection, which occurred 10 minutes after of anesthesia with isoflurane, thus forming a group of 33 animals anesthetized and another 35 unanesthetized. Of each animal were determined trombocyte conts, erythrocyte counts, total and specific leucocyte counts, concentrations of total plasmatic protein, urea, creatinine, uric acid, cholesterol, tryglicer?des, total serum protein, albumin and globulin, and activityes of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, amylase, lipase, and creatine-kinase enzymes. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and paired T tests. Females had higher trombocitometria. Non-anesthetized animals had a greater total WBC count. Weren?t significant differences between anesthetized males and females. The birds originated from RIOZOO had higher values of PCV, red blood cell count, MCV, eosinophils, basophils, urea, AST and CK, however, lower values of albumin and creatinine. The study revealed that was a significant level of discrepancies between the different groups, allowing the creation of a standard more specific hematologic, according to the individual characteristics of each patient.
Pertencente ? Ordem Psittaciforme e Fam?lia Psittacidae, a Ara ararauna, assim como os demais psitac?deos, ? uma ave brasileira muito explorada no mercado pet, o que a torna um freq?ente paciente veterin?rio. Apesar da extrema relev?ncia cl?nica dos exames laboratoriais, dados acerca da hematologia e bioqu?mica s?rica dessa esp?cie ainda s?o escassos. Importante ? considerar tamb?m que diversos fatores n?o patol?gicos podem interferir em resultados dos exames hematol?gicos e bioqu?micos das aves, como a idade, sexo, per?odo reprodutivo, entre outros. O estudo teve como finalidade reconhecer e determinar padr?es hematol?gicos e bioqu?mico-s?ricos para a esp?cie em quest?o, elucidando poss?veis varia??es relacionadas a sexo, manejo e m?todo de conten??o. No experimento foram utilizados 68 exemplares, sendo 33 provenientes de um criat?rio comercial e 35 oriundos do acervo vivo da Funda??o RIOZOO. As amostras sangu?neas foram obtidas na veia jugular, transferidas, para tubos contendo EDTA e para outros sem anticoagulante. Somente as aves do RIOZOO foram tamb?m submetidas a uma nova coleta, que ocorreu 10 minutos ap?s anestesia com isoflurano, formando assim um grupo de 33 animais anestesiados e 35 n?o anestesiados. De cada animal foram aferidos trombocitometria, eritrocitometria, leucometrias global e espec?fica, determina??o de prote?nas plasm?ticas totais, ur?ia, creatinina, fosfatase alcalina, ?cido ?rico, colesterol, trigicer?deos, aspartato-aminotransferase, amilase, l?pase, creatinakinase, prote?nas totais s?ricas, albumina e globulinas. Os resultados foram analisados pelo teste ANOVA e teste t pareado. As f?meas apresentaram maior valor de trombocitometria. Os animais n?o anestesiados demonstraram um maior valor de leucometria global. N?o houve nenhuma diferen?a significatica entre machos e f?meas anestesiados. As aves oriundas do RIOZOO tiveram maior VG, hematimetria, VGM, contagem de eosin?filos e bas?filos, ur?ia, AST e CK, por?m, menores concentra??es de albumina e creatinina. O estudo revelou discrep?ncias a n?vel significativo entre os diferentes grupos estudados, permitindo um padr?o hematol?gico mais adequado com as caracter?sticas individuais de cada paciente.
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