Bibliotheken zur Entwicklung paralleler Algorithmen - Basisroutinen für Kommunikation und Grafik

Autor: Pester, Matthias
Jazyk: němčina
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Preprintreihe des Chemnitzer SFB 393, 02-01; Überarbeitung eines früheren Preprints SPC 95_20
Druh dokumentu: Text
ISSN: 1619-7186
Popis: The purpose of this paper is to supply a summary of library subroutines and functions for parallel MIMD computers. The subroutines have been developed and continously extended at the University of Chemnitz since the end of the eighties. In detail, they are concerned with vector operations, inter-processor communication and simple graphic output to workstations. One of the most valuable features is the machine-independence of the communication subroutines proposed in this paper for a hypercube topology of the parallel processors (excepting a kernel of only two primitive system-dependend operations). They were implemented and tested for different hardware and operating systems including PARIX for transputers and PowerPC, nCube, PVM, MPI. The vector subroutines are optimized by the use of C language and unrolled loops (BLAS1-like). Hardware-optimized BLAS1 routines may be integrated. The paper includes hints for programmers how to use the libraries with both Fortran and C programs.
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