
Autor: 許忠棠
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: 本研究旨在了解新北市立國民中學校長變革領導與教師創新教學之現況,以及分析校長變革領導與教師創新教學之關係。研究方法係採問卷調查法,使用之研究工具為「國民中學校長變革領導與教師創新教學之研究」問卷,寄發49 所學校共780 份問卷,回收有效問卷615份進行分析。統計分析之方法為描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸分析。 本研究的研究發現如下: 一、新北市立國民中學教師對於校長變革認知程度屬於中高程度,其中 以「建立變革願景」層面之認知程度最高。 二、新北市立國民中學教師對於校長變革領導認知程度,以男性教師、 資深教師、年長教師、兼任主任職務之教師認知程度較高。 三、新北市立國民中學教師在創新教學實施現況良好,各分層面之實施現況差異不大,但以「教師教學創新」層面得分最高。 四、新北市立國民中學教師在創新教學實施現況,以初任教師、資深教師、兼任主任之教師實施程度較高,尤其初任教師表現令人驚艷。 五、校長變革領導五個層面與教師創新教學整體及各層面有顯著正相關。 六、校長變革領導五個層面對教師創新教學整體具預測力。 最後,本研究依據研究結果提出相關之建議,以供教育行政機關及國民中學校長、教師之參考。 關鍵字:校長變革領導、教師創新教學
The purpose of this study is two-fold: first, to assess the current status of innovative teaching practices and the principals’ transformational leadership at municipal junior high schools in New Taipei City; and second, to verify their relationship. This questionnaire survey was adopted as the research tool and the "Study of Innovative Teaching Practices and Principals’ Transformational Leadership at Municipal Junior High Schools" questionnaire is specifically designed for this study. 780 questionnaires were sent out to 49 schools, and 615 effective samples were collected for analysis. The statistical analysis techniques selected for this study include Descriptive Statistics, Independent Samples t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis The study results are as follows: 1. Junior high school teachers in New Taipei City exhibited a mid-to-high level of perception toward principals’ transformational leadership, and among all dimensions, the vision establishment dimension was observed to have the highest level of perception. 2. Among all teachers surveyed, male teachers, senior teachers, older teachers, and teachers who also serve as directors exhibited a higher level of perception toward principals’ transformational leadership. 3. In terms of innovative teaching practices, it was observed that teachers at municipal junior high schools in New Taipei City performed fairly well. No large diversity was observed across all dimensions, but the teacher teaching innovation dimension has the highest score. 4. In terms of innovative teaching practices among teachers at municipal junior high schools in New Taipei City, the beginning teachers, senior teachers and teachers who also serve as directors exhibited a higher level of performance, but beginning teachers have exhibited an astonishing level of performance. 5. The five dimensions under the principals’ transformational leadership are positively and significantly correlated to innovative teaching practices and all its dimensions. 6. The five dimensions of principals’ transformational leadership can be used to predict innovative teaching practices. Finally, based on the study results, this research proposed relevant suggestions as reference for school administrative and supervisory organizations, principals and teachers at municipal junior high schools. Keywords: Principals’ Transformational Leadership, Innovative Teaching Practices
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations