
Autor: 郭秋東, Kuo, Chiu Tung
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: 在現今微利時代的競爭環境下,企業為了強化本身競爭優勢,無不致力於持續改善企業流程效率。對工程產業界而言,流程是否有效率,重點在於工程專案管理在各階段執行時的績效,包括了:評估、規劃、設計、採購、施工、安裝、監造及試車運轉等階段。以期望能夠節省工程管理人力,簡化施工流程,縮短工期,嚴控預算成本,提昇工程品質和顧客滿意度,達到預期的獲利目標。 傳統工程產業界對於專案執行,習慣上根據往常作業流程及經驗在各階段去發揮,督導的重點較偏重於事後的考核,或最後的財務數據為主。由於專案執行的過程並没有詳實記錄及檢視,因而經驗的累積和吸取教訓無法有效傳遞,導致在預算超支追加、無法掌控完工時程,以及不良的設計品質等現象重複發生。因此,藉由目前製造業常用的六標準差流程改善手法,找出關鍵的缺失,有效解決問題並減少專案落差,進而獲得一種改善流程效率和降低成本之經營模式。 本研究採用個案分析法,針對A個案公司兩個案例,其導入六標準差改善程序之界定、衡量、分析、改善、控制等五大步驟,透過實際個案之演練落實理論基礎,找出專案管理的核心流程,對於工程建廠在專案管理掌控能力的提升,將有所依循。
Nowadays, under such a competitive environment in meager profit, every entrepreneur makes their efforts to improve business process management in order to intensify their competitive advantage. In engineering industry, to build up good business process management with efficiency, it depends on the performance of each stage of the project execution which includes evaluation, estimate, plan, design, procurement, construction, installation, supervision and operating test. Consequently, it can not only save manpower and simplify construction process also shorten schedule to under control of the cost, so as to enhance engineering quality and customer satisfaction to reap a planned profit after all. Traditional engineering industry is accustomed to execute the project according to the stark processing and the previous experiences in each stage that only focus on post-evaluation audit, or the last financial data. Without making particular record and survey during the project execution, people cannot gain sufficient experiences efficiently which result in an excess budget, out of control schedule and poor design that happen continually. Therefore, by using Six Sigma improvement process technique is commonly used in current manufacturing business, we can find out the critical defect and solve each problem efficiently to lessen project gap. Thus, it can achieve a way of improving more efficiency and less cost as business model. This research applies to Case Study which focused on A company that will use the procedure of Six Sigma as Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. Through a fundamental basis by real case study, it is easier to find out the vital process of project management. It will help industries enhance the capability of good manipulation of project management in setting up a plant.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations