
Autor: 黃明發
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: 企業電子化的概念在過去幾年已被大多數企業所接受,但對台灣佔多數的中小企業而言,因為系統開發非其核心競爭力且IT資源有限,如何尋求一個解決方案,能夠讓這些為數眾多的中小企業取得所需的資訊應用能力,是當前的一個重要課題。 服務導向架構概念的提出,提供了許多企業一個進行系統整合的解決方案。但我們不應僅從系統整合來看服務導向架構;反而應該從企業本身的策略來看這個解決方案,必須去思考企業要提出怎麼樣的服務或產品才能滿足消費者,再由這些服務或產品去思考應該如何去整合企業內部或外部的資源。 本研究將服務導向架構運用在產業交易金融之服務,從企業內部擴展到企業外部,並提出一個跨組織服務導向架構的整合平台,中小企業可透過企業服務總管充份並輕易的取得平台業者端服務庫上所提供的資訊服務,讓中小企業一方面可以專注於其本身的核心競爭力;另一方面又能取得企業電子化的優勢。而平台業者可運用其系統開發能力,服務為數眾多但對軟體開發能力較小的中小企業,以少量多銷的服務模式來提昇其獲利。 最後,本研究根據上述結論,對金融服務業者與企業提出相關建議,以及未來進一步研究之議題。
Most enterprises adopt the concept of electronic business in the recent years. Since the system development is neither the competitiveness of core business nor the capacity for IT resources, seeking for a solution of on-demand IT application is a very important topic for most small-medium enterprises (SME). The emergence of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides a solution of system integration for many enterprises. However, we should not view the system integration only as the aspect of Service-Oriented Architecture. We should think that how enterprises offer better services or products in order to satisfy customer demands. Then, based on these services or products, we go further to think about the system integration of the internal and external resources for the enterprise. In sum, the solution of SOA should be based on the enterprise strategy. This research will apply SOA in the section of enterprise transaction and finance services. From the internal to external corporations, this research proposes an integrated platform of SOA “cross organization and business process management”. For small-medium enterprises, they could fully and easily utilize the IT services in the service warehouse from IT service providers. As a result, SME could concentrate on the competitiveness of core business. On the other hand, enterprise could obtain the advantage of electronic business. For IT service providers, they could make use of their capacity of system development to service many SME who have less ability of software development. Moreover, IT service providers could increase profit of the model for less production but more sales. In the end, this research will recommend some solutions for financial service providers and enterprises based on above mentioned conclusion, and also address further research topics in the future.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations