
Autor: 林韋秀, Lin, Wei-Hsiu
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: 本研究旨在瞭解政大附中學科型教室之規劃理念、學生使用現況、使用滿意度、使用感受與學生學習自我效能,分析不同性別學生在使用現況、滿意度、使用感受及學習自我效能之差異,探討學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受與其學習自我效能之相關,最後提出學科型教室在臺灣規劃實施之相關建議俾供參考。 本研究以政大附中國中部學生(有效樣本158人)為問卷調查對象,以秘書及各班副班長共六人為訪談對象,並以其中二班學生一日作息、在學科教室、班級基地、教學研究室及討論室中從事特定活動之學生(共計931人次),以及學科教室之設備與佈置情形為觀察對象。在資料分析上,主要採用描述性分析、次數百分比、平均數與標準差及Pearson積差相關等方法。研究結論如下: 一、政大附中學科型教室空間設備之規劃理念涵蓋班級課程、師生教學、學生置物、移動與人際交流等需求,延長下課時間以增加互動機會並使移動更平順。 二、政大附中學科型教室之國中部學生空間使用現況符合學科教室便利教與學、班級基地兼顧置物與學生交流、教學研究室方便師生談話、討論室供學生交流及停等以及學生移動便利等理念。 三、政大附中國中部學生學科型教室使用滿意度高,使用感受非常好。 四、政大附中國中部學生學習自我效能屬於普通偏高,其中以言語說服、生理狀態及樂意學習三向度平均較高,而整體學習效能為女生高於男生。 五、政大附中國中部學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受與其學習自我效能為中度正相關,且學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受越高,學習自我效能也越高,高低分組在言語說服及樂意學習之差異最明顯。 研究者根據文獻探討與研究發現,提出以下幾點建議: 一、對教育機關及人員之建議 (一)學科型教室空間營運模式值得推廣。 (二)學校規劃者在規劃學科型教室空間設備時,應將校地條件、班級數、教師員額、課程設計及師生需求融入規劃考量。 (三)實施學科型教室,教室應有充足教學設備並強化學科佈置,以突顯其特色。 (四)學科教室與班級基地之配置應注意動線便利性,並配合課表強化空間機能。 (五)實施學科型教室應提供安全置物空間及便利停等設施,以減少學生移動負擔,可延長下課時間至15到20分鐘,以增加人際互動機會並使移動更平順。 (六)推行學科型教室時,學校對教師、學生及家長均需持續加強溝通與理念宣導。 (七)定期調查使用者對學科型教室運作之意見,作為對現有措施調整參考。 二、對未來相關研究之建議 (一)在研究學校的選擇上,增加研究學校,與其他學科型教室學校比較。 (二)在研究對象的選擇上,擴大研究對象,納入全校學生或教職員。 (三)在研究內容方面,拓廣研究範圍,作更完整之用後評估,探討更廣泛之學習態度及行為。
Variation type classroom is one of the operational models of school classrooms. In this model, all classrooms belong to subject teachers instead of students of the class. It is believed that this model could help teachers teach and students learn from the results of literature review. This study examines the relationship between the using satisfaction of variation type classroom and academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in AHS of NCCU. It also examines behaviors of junior high school students in variation type classroom. There are 158 junior high school students in AHS of NCCU surveyed, the secretary and 5 assistant class leaders interviewed, and 931 person-time and 2 classrooms observed in this study. Data gathered in this study indicated the following are the other key findings in this study: 1. The planning rationale of variation type classroom in AHS of NCCU consists of the needs of teachers teaching and students learning, storage, classroom transferring, interpersonal interactions and longer class break for more interaction and smoother classroom transferring of students. 2. The junior high students’using behaviors of variation type classroom in AHS of NCCU correspond to the planning rationale of it. 3. The junior high school students in AHS of NCCU have great using satisfaction toward variation type classroom. 4. The junior high school students in AHS of NCCU have general academic self-efficacy (2.88), with higher efficacy in verbal persuasion, physiological state, and enjoyment of learning. The female junior high students have higher academic self-efficacy than the male students do. 5. There is significant mid-level correlation between the using satisfaction and academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in variation type classroom, and the higher the using satisfaction the students have, the higher their academic self-efficacy is. The major implications of this study are as follows: 1. Variation type classroom operational model is worth promoting. 2. School planner should fully consider about the ground of the school, number of classes and faculty, curricula design and needs of teachers and students when planning space and facilities of variation type classroom. 3. In the variation type classroom operational model, classrooms should be equipped with enough teaching facilities and context of subjects should be emphasized to express the strengths of this model. 4. The convenience of the routes between subject classrooms and student lockers should be considered during arrangement process of the school and in correspondence with the class schedule. 5. The school in variation type classroom should provide safe lockers and convenient facilities for stay and wait to make students move with less stuff. Longer break (15-20 minutes) could be taken into account to promote interpersonal interaction and make students’ transferring of classrooms more smoothly. 6. The school administration needs to communicate and advocate consistently with the students, their parents and the faculty about the rationale of variation type classroom. 7. The school administration could survey about the users’ using satisfaction and opinion regularly to make necessary modification of the model or space and facilities of variation type classroom.
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