
Autor: 阮華
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: 本研究主在探討臺北縣國中教師對實施「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」之認知。其主要研究目的則在於瞭解臺北縣各國中自實施「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」後,各實驗學校教師對此方案的瞭解與參與情形,以及現行臺北縣推動「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」的整體實施成效(尤其是學校在學生輔導的實施成效上),及其在推動此方案過程中所產生的問題與困難?繼而進一步以臺北縣所擬定實施之「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」計畫中的『發展目標』及『實施策略』作為學校實施效能指標,探討各國中在實施此方案後,教師個人因素及學校環境因素對學校的實施成效及整體實施成效的影響,以及對學校效能的影響如何?對各校推動的成效關係之研究等分析結果來看,究竟該如何針對缺失與問題來加強與改善,以期能在未來協助各學校更為有效的推動「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」,並能逐漸納入於學校本位發展之校務系統中持續推動發展。 壹、本研究係以文獻分析及問卷調查方式為主要研究方法,並選擇臺北縣部分實驗學校進行訪談及實地觀察為輔助研究,本研究依上述研究目的及研究方法歸納出以下之研究結論: 一、臺北縣各國中教師對「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」的推動均有高度 的認知與支持。 二、臺北縣各國中大致能將「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」及「九年一貫課程」方案相互統整,融合運用,並積極鼓勵學校教師主動參與。 三、以臺北縣推動「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」之整體現況來看,各分區學校歷經該方案之實驗階段後,對於該方案實施上已能逐年納入常態校務發展之計畫中持續推動。 四、臺北縣各國中在「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」推展期間陸續完成輔導知能基礎研習之教師比例高達80%以上,而完成輔導知能進階研習之教師比例亦高達50%。可見一般教師之輔導知能確實在「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」推動期間不斷増能之中。 五、臺北縣推動「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」以來,各校均能有效結合社區資源,並引進專業資源,以協助學校推展各項校務工作。 六、臺北縣各國中對推動「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」的實施成效,雖各有不同,然以整體實施成效上來看,均能表達高度的認同與肯定。 七、就各校實施成效上來看,「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」的實施,在學校確實能提升教師教學輔導專業知能及強化行政單位與教師之間的互動。 八、臺北縣推動「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」以來,各校中輟學生比例明顯下降,且在中輟學生的復學輔導之成效上呈現明顯提升,進而造就了學校在親、師、生的三邊關係上有了更頻繁的正面互動。 九、臺北縣推動「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」實施以來,依現實狀況,確實仍存在許多問題影響著學校的實施效能。 十、學校現行行政組織結構無法符應「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」推展之需求,因此若結合各項教育改革及教育政策,作總體組織再造規劃,相信將更能彰顯「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」之預期目標。 貳、根據臺北縣「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」的實施現況與研究結論歸納,提出以下之建議: 一、對教育主管機關的建議: (一)應持續推動「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」,並規劃將此方案逐年納入學校本位發展計畫中,以作為常態之推動。 (二)充分授權落實學校組織再造 依各校「學校本位發展」的特色及人 力需求,掌握社區資源,在總量管制的前提下,各校以彈性調整方式落實學校本位之組織再造。 (三)持續推動落實小校、小班教學以彰顯「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方 案」之實質精神。 (四)再強化縣轄市與鄉屬各國中對於「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」 推動的認知。 (五)建立教師終身學習的概念,繼續規劃各校落實教師專業成長。 (六)擴大辦理專業社工人員進駐校園之機制以協助學校二級輔導預防 工作之更落實。 (七)積極促成各社區校際策略聯盟,落實人力資源、專業知能及學校、 社區資源的交互運用及相互支援,以建立最佳夥伴機制。 (八)區行政督導體制的運作應持續實施並擴大其功能以協助學校推動落實各項教育政策之推動,以收整體教育改革達事半功倍之效。 二、對學校行政主管的建議 (一)對於學校教學、訓導、輔導等行政組織調整的再思考,配合學校 行政組織結構重建的概念,依據校園文化,推動學校組織再造,以更符合學校之需求與發展學校特色。 (二)統整所有教育方案以作有效之整體規劃並規劃於學校本位發展計畫中,納入常態之校務發展計畫,並持續推動之。 (三)持續研發教師進修模式結合九年一貫各領域教學研究會規劃學校教師進修制度,以鼓勵學校教師自我成長,自我充實,並建立終身學習觀念,以營造優質的校園文化。 (四)建立導師組群機制,配合學生班親會組織及各領域教學,落實協同教學、協同輔導之親、師多軌教學輔導網絡,以為學校之初級預防輔導工作嚴格把關。 (五)加強落實學校「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」之非承辦業務行政 人員及學生家長對於該方案的更認知與參與。 (六)積極引進社區心理專業輔導人員、社工人員、替代役男等人力資源進駐校園,以協助學校二級輔導工作之推展。 (七)強化學校訓輔合作機制,去除傳統教、訓、輔等行政單位各自為 政的觀念,認清唯有屏除己見,攜手合作,方能再造優質校園。 (八)推動學生家長積極參與學校班級經營行列,建立班級班親會之組織以協助導師推動各項班級經營工作。 (九)擴大社區資源的運用,引進退休教師、家長義工、社區專業人 士參與學校學生認輔工作。並推動區域策略聯盟以強化與社區政府機關、鄰校、優良商家及專業機構攜手合作的機制,以打造更優質的教育環境。
This research is mainly to explore teachers’ perception on “The Experimental Integrated Project of Instruction, Discipline and Counseling” in junior high schools in Taipei County. The primary research objective is to understand the status of teaching professionals’ understanding and participation on this project and to find out the overall implementation performance as well as the problems and difficulties that schools might encounter after the project implementation in the junior high schools in Taipei County. And then use “Development Objective” and “Implementation Strategy” stated in the project which Taipei County plans to implement as the performance indicator to explore how factors, such as teachers and campus environment can affect individual school’s or even overall implementation performance. Then find out how to improve the problems and deficiency based on each school’s implementation result. Hope that all schools can carry out the project more effectively and then subsume the project in school’s administration system for continuous development and promotion. Using literary reviews and questionnaire survey as primary research methodologies, supplemented with observation and investigation, this research comes up with the following conclusions based on the aforementioned research objectives and methodologies: 1. The junior high school teachers in Taipei County all highly acknowledge and support the project implementation. 2. The project has been admitted as the long-term school administrative development plan and will continue to promote in Taipei County. 3. During the experiment stage, generally the counseling knowledge and skills of teaching professional’s in junior high schools in Taipei County indeed are improving. 4. Each school in Taipei County can effectively integrate with community resources and bring in professional resources to assist schools in promoting administration affairs since the project implementation. 5. Junior high schools in Taipei County all highly recognize and affirm the overall implementation performance. 6. This project does improve teaching professionals’ teaching and counseling knowledge and skills as well as enhancing the interaction between teachers and staffs in administrative department. 7. The dropout rate in Taipei County is decreasing distinctly and the performance of counseling drop-outs who have returned to school is improving. 8. All schools in Taipei County still encounter many problems and difficulties that are capable of affecting the implementation performance ever since the project implementation. 9. When school’s existing organizational structure can no longer fulfill the demands of current project promotion or other education reformations, it is recommended to start the overall organization re-engineering planning. 10. The implementation performance of small-scale schools in remote district is more distinct than large-scale schools. This research proposes the following suggestions based on project implementation status and research conclusions, and hope that Taipei County can fulfill the spirit and objectives when promoting “The Experimental Integrated Project of Instruction, Discipline and Counseling” in the future. 1. Suggestions to institutions which are in charge of supervising educational affairs: (1) Continue to draw up a budget for the project for comprehensive promotion. (2) Continue to promote small school and small class. (3) Strengthen the perception on the project in junior high schools nationwide. (4) Expand the mechanism of bringing professional social workers to enter and be stationed at campus. (5) Expand the administrative superintendence mechanism in all districts and continue to bring its function into full play. 2. Suggestions to school (1) Re-thinking about adjusting administrative departments, such as instruction, discipline, and counseling. (2) Combine “9-Year Compulsory Education” and “The Experimental Integrated Project of Instruction, Discipline and Counseling” with other educational reformations or projects in school’s normal development plan. (3) The administrative executives of the school should establish correct value regarding the promotion and implementation of “The Experimental Integrated Project of Instruction, Discipline and Counseling”. (4) Carry out professional improvement for teachers and establish lifelong learning concept. (5) Enhance the promotion and participation of the project spirit to student parents and the administrative staffs of the school who are not undertakers of the project. (6) Create tutor grouping mechanism to elevate the function of coordination education and establish the operation model for coordination class. (7) Aggressively introduce psychological counselors, social workers, and alternative service drafts to campus in order to assist the school in promoting second-grade counseling. (8) Reinforce the cooperation mechanism between discipline and counseling. (9) Expand the mechanism that allows present and retired teachers, student parent volunteers, and professionals from communities to participate in student counseling. (10) Encourage student parents to aggressively participate in class management of the school in order to assist tutors in various kinds of class management affairs. (11) Extend the application of community resources and aggressively promote strategic alliance between community and schools in order to establish the best partnership.
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