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The region in which the geology was mapped includes an area in the central portion of the Sunland Quadrangle, just west of the small town of Sunland and about 20 mi. north west of Los Angles. The sedimentary series here consists of interbedded conglomerates, sandstones, and siliceous shales, lower Modelo in age, which rest depositionally on old granites and gneisses. Above the lower Modelo there is a thin section of typical, highly contorted upper Modelo shales, which seem to rest with slight unconformity of the lower Modelo. Above this, and resting depositionally with about a 10° unconformity, there is a section of about 550 feet of Pico (lower Pliocene), which consists of a series of lava conglomerates, white punky shales, and sandstones. These beds have been faulted in numerous places. The two main faults trend in an approximate N 70° W direction, while the minor faults are oriented in various other directions. There has also been some folding, especially in the area to the west, which seems to be a direct result of the faulting. |