The relationship between job satisfaction, work values, and stress in nursing home aides

Autor: Norman, Jennifer A.
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Virtual Press.
Popis: This study was designed to examine the relationship between job satisfaction, work stress, and work value orientation in a sample of nursing home aides. It was hypothesized that 1) organizational stress would impact job satisfaction in a curvilinear manner in such a way to form an inverted U-shape; 2) job risk, a second element of work stress, would also share the same curvilinear relationship with job satisfaction; 3) work value orientation would be significantly related to job satisfaction. Data were analyzed by conducting Curve Estimations and a bivariate regression. Results did not provide support for the hypotheses. Regressions analyzing work stress did provide support for a linear relationship between work stress and job satisfaction. Implications and limitations of the findings were discussed as were recommendations for future research.
Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
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