Food choice motives, attitudes toward and intention to adopt personalised nutrition

Autor: Rankin, A., Bunting, B.P., Poinhos, R., van der Lans, I.A., Fischer, A.R.H., Frewer, L.J., Stewart-Knox, Barbara
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: Článek
DOI: 10.1017/S1368980018001234
Popis: yes
Objective: This study explored associations between food choice motives, attitudes towards, 5 and intention to adopt personalised nutrition in order to inform communication strategies 6 based on consumer priorities and concerns. Design and Setting: A survey was administered 7 online which included the food choice questionnaire (FCQ), and items assessing attitudes 8 towards and intention to adopt personalised nutrition. Participants: Nationally representative 9 samples were recruited in 9 EU countries (N=9381). Results: Structural equation modelling 10 indicated that the food choice motives, weight control, mood, health and ethical concern had 11 a positive association and price had a negative association with attitude towards, and 12 intention to adopt, personalised nutrition. Health was positively associated and familiarity 13 negatively associated with attitude toward personalised nutrition. The effects of weight 14 control, ethical concern, mood and price on intention to adopt personalised nutrition were 15 partially mediated by the attitude. The effects of health and familiarity were fully mediated 16 by attitude. Sensory appeal was negatively and directly associated with intention to adopt 17 personalised nutrition. Conclusion: Personalised nutrition providers may benefit from taking 18 into consideration the importance of underlying determinants of food choice, particularly 19 weight control, mood and price, in potential users when promoting services and in tailoring 20 communications that are motivationally relevant.
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