[Decretalium collectio Brugensis; Dictamen; Horologium sapientiae; Getijden van de eeuwige wijsheid]

Autor: Garnerus van Saint-Remi, Heinrich Seuse, Innocentius Papa IV
Jazyk: latina
Rok vydání: 1190
Zdroj: Mmmonk: Middeleeuwse Monastieke Manuscripten - Open - Netwerk - Kennis
Congrès de droit canonique médiéval Brugge. 1958
Druh dokumentu: TEXT
Popis: Manuscript 378 dates back to c. 1205-1215, with an addition in the fifteenth century. The manuscript was owned by Ten Duinen Abbey in the seventeenth century. It contains the Collectio Brugensis, which is a collection of written laws most commonly used in Flanders and Northern France. The manuscript was copied by Garnerus of Saint-Remi (12th- 13th century). There are only three copies left of the Collectio Brugensis. In the fifteenth century a copy of Horologium sapientiae - Wisdom's Watch - was added. It was written by Henry Suso (1295 - 1366), a German mystic. The manuscript is bound in a seventeenth-century binding of the 'Campmans' type, with gold tooling. [Summary by Sarah Vanroye]
Databáze: Manuscriptorium Digital Library