"The Practice of Moving People and the Exile of the Ch'in and Han Dynasties, Against the Backdrop of the 'Dwelling Contentedly on Native Soil and Considering Moving Away a Grave Matter' Mentality—With an Appendix on the Use of Exile during the Han Dynasty and the Fact That Physical Penalties Were Not Restored' (“Ts'ung an-t'u chung-ch'ien lun Ch'in Han shih-tai te hsi-min yü ch'ien-hsi-hsing—fu-lu: Lun Han-tai ch'ien-hsi-hsing te yün-yung yü pu-fu-jou-hsing”) Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (Chung-yang yen-chiu-yüan li-shih yü-yen yen-chiu-so chi-k'an) 57:2 (June 1986) (「從安土重遷論秦漢時代的徙民與遷徙刑一附錄: 論漢代遷徒刑的運用與不復肉刑」, 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集列, 第五十七本第二分 (民國七十五年六月)) I-t'ieng Hsing 邢義田

Autor: Shih-heng, Chia
Zdroj: Digest of Chinese Studies, 1988 Jan 01, 29-31.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals