Human CD8⁺ T-Cell Responses Against the 4 Dengue Virus Serotypes Are Associated With Distinct Patterns of Protein Targets

Autor: Weiskopf, Daniela, Cerpas, Cristhiam, Angelo, Michael A., Bangs, Derek J., Sidney, John, Paul, Sinu, Peters, Bjoern, Sanches, Françoise P., Silvera, Cassia G. T., Costa, Priscilla R., Kallas, Esper G., Gresh, Lionel, de Silva, Aruna D., Balmaseda, Angel, Harris, Eva, Sette, Alessandro
Zdroj: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2015 Dec 01. 212(11), 1743-1751.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals