CNS-specific immunity at the choroid plexus shifts toward destructive Th2 inflammation in brain aging

Autor: Baruch, Kuti, Ron-Harel, Noga, Gal, Hilah, Deczkowska, Aleksandra, Shifrut, Eric, Ndifon, Wilfred, Mirlas-Neisberg, Nataly, Cardon, Michal, Vaknin, Ilan, Cahalon, Liora, Berkutzki, Tamara, Mattson, Mark P., Gomez-Pinilla, Fernando, Friedman, Nir, Schwartz, Michal
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013 Feb 01. 110(6), 2264-2269.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals